Upcoming events.

Lent: BUILD Initiative
Join us this Lent as we -
FAST as a church family for the duration of Lent. Consider giving up something as a small self-sacrifice in the lead up to Easter. Some are giving up things like sugar, coffee or social media.
Or you may consider adding something to your day that you don’t normally or always do such as saying the Lord’s Prayer or going for a walk.
PRAY every day -
God build your kingdom through people coming to faith.
God build your church through new people and families joining.
God build our financial resources for mission & ministry.
GIVE - towards our Building Fund on our Gift Day, Sunday 30th of March
We need to do urgent work to our main church building, link corridor and Vestry room.
The work will cost in the region of £70,000 and we currently have £15,000 to put towards this.

Beetle Drive
Come along for a bit of ‘old-school’, beetle drive craic and to help us raise money for our much-needed building project!
Friday 21st of March, 7.30-9pm
Suggested donation of £5
There will be refreshments provided and prizes for winners.

Carol Service
Candlelit Carol Service with familiar carols & readings followed by s’mores and other treats.

All-age Nativity Service
Our annual All-age Nativity Service with carols, followed my mince pies, donuts and other treats!
Prizes for those wearing Christmas jumpers, hats, jewellery or other Christmas attire!

Warm Space with Knocknagoney Primary School Choir
Come to our Warm Space for tea, coffee, scones and chat!
Knocknagoney Primary School choir will be performing from 11am and bringing some festive cheer!

Summer Kids Club
Summer Kids Club for Primary School aged children with singing, games, dancing, crafts, bible stories and lots more!
Register here (spaces are limited) - https://forms.gle/29Gk1enQnp4qbpJs5
Kids Club runs from 2 - 4pm on Wednesday 14th to Friday 16th of August and finishes with a Family Fun Day from 4 - 5.30pm on the Friday.
We will also have a Kids Club Sunday service on Sunday 18th of August from 11am
For more information, email theparishoffice@gmail.com

Kids Club 2023
Our Summer Kids Club runs from Monday 24th of July to Friday 28th of July (10am-12 each day) with a Family Fun Day from 12-2pm on the Friday and also Kids Club Sunday at church on the Sunday morning from 11am.
Kids Club is for those in Primary School or Pre-school in 2022-23.
As usual there will be games, crafted, singing, bible stories, dancing and lots of fun!
Spaces are limited so please register children via this link as soon as possible - https://knocknagoneykidsclub.eventbrite.co.uk
Our Kids Club is being run by an amazing team from a great organisation called Exodus - https://www.exodusonline.org.uk

All-age Nativity Service
A Nativity Service for all ages - this service is an interactive Nativity so come dressed as a character from the Nativity story, or at least wear a Christmas jumper or hat!
After the service there will be tea/coffee and some awesome treats!
Nativity Panto
The really big, wonderfully silly, super-duper fun, Nativity Panto by ‘Play It By Ear’.
Starts at 7pm - a great night for all ages but especially good for families.
No need to book tickets - the event is free.

Harvest Hoe-Down CEILIDH
Join us for an evening of fun for all ages with Scottish dancing and some tea & treats!
Cost is £5 per adult (suggested donation) and children are free.
There’s no need to book or sign-up just turn up on the night - and spread the word!

Summer Kids Club
Summer Kids Club
3-5 August 2022
For Primary School age children (as of September 2022)
games - bible stories - crafts - singing - snacks
spaces are limited to book here asap - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/372098535737
For more information email - theparishoffice@gmail.com

Community Fun Day
Come and join us for an amazing Fun Day, organised with Knocknagoney Area Forum, to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee!
There will be inflatables, BBQ, face painting, a photo booth, ice cream van and more.
This is a free event for all ages and for everyone in the community!

Jubilee Tea Dance
As part of Knocknagoney Area Forum’s Jubilee celebrations, we are hosting a Tea Dance in the church hall for members of the congregation and the local community.
Come along for fun, food, nostalgia and some old-time dancing!