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Lent: BUILD Initiative

  • Knocknagoney Parish 13a Knocknagoney Road Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT4 2NR United Kingdom (map)

Join us this Lent as we -

FAST as a church family for the duration of Lent. Consider giving up something as a small self-sacrifice in the lead up to Easter. Some are giving up things like sugar, coffee or social media.
Or you may consider adding something to your day that you don’t normally or always do such as saying the Lord’s Prayer or going for a walk.

PRAY every day -
God build your kingdom through people coming to faith.
God build your church through new people and families joining.
God build our financial resources for mission & ministry.

GIVE - towards our Building Fund on our Gift Day, Sunday 30th of March
We need to do urgent work to our main church building, link corridor and Vestry room.
The work will cost in the region of £70,000 and we currently have £15,000 to put towards this.

December 22

Carol Service

March 21

Beetle Drive