What’s On

We have a number of activities taking place throughout the week and you can read about them below. We also have other services at special times throughout the year such as Easter and Christmas.


Sunday Services

Our Sunday service starts at 11.00am and lasts under an hour.

In September and October our sermon series will be based in the Gospel of Mark and are on the theme of ‘Exploring Christ’.


Small Groups

We have 2 small groups that meet fortnightly for community, conversation and support.

Please email for more information.


Larder Foodbank Donations

On the first Sunday of each month we collect food donations for the Larder Foodbank in East Belfast. The Larder is an emergency food bank assisting approximately 150 people every month. Referrals are made by churches, local agencies and social services.

You can find ‘The Larder Foodbank’ on Facebook.


Girls Brigade

148th Northern Ireland GB company meet on Monday evenings for girls of all ages. You can find out more information here or email the company captain, Denyse Paul.

Activities include crafts, music, dancing, games and scripture, amongst other things!

All girls are welcome from ages 3 to 16.


Toddler Group

The Toddler Group meets on Monday mornings, each week, from 10am to 12. It is a fun and safe space for parents and carers to bring their babies and toddlers. Children can spend time playing and interacting with others while the adults enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and the morning ends with a time of singing.

Cost is a donation of £1.50 per adult towards costs (kids go free) and you will be very welcome! 

For more information, contact Brenda Edmonds via the church office.


Find out more


If you’d like to find out more about what’s on in Knocknagoney Parish, get in touch!

Prayer Line

If you have something you’d like us to pray for, send a message to 07936041423 and our prayer team will spend time praying for your situation.